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Design Is Why April’s Oracle ACE Adventure Was the Perfect Start to an Amazing Week

Being a part of the Oracle ACE program has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in my professional career. As a community, we’re passionate about technology in general, and Oracle’s specifically, and how we can share what we’ve learned and give back to our community. However, one of the best aspects of the program is that it recognizes that personal growth is not limited to a singular realm or outlook.

Euler and Christmas Lights

I have always enjoyed decorating my home with Christmas lights. I think I enjoy the planning process even more than actually stringing the lights. I recently moved into a new house with a truss over

Alternative Color Strategies for the New Redwood Theme in OAC

The introduction of the Redwood theme in Oracle Analytics represents the culmination of Oracle’s long-term, serious commitment to leading practices in user interface design. Redwood introduces a unified look and feel across all Oracle products

Which BI Dashboards Are Most Valuable?

Not all business intelligence dashboards and analytics projects are worth the same. Some are viewed by hundreds of employees, while others are highly specific and meant to be used by only a few people. Likewise,

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