Charlie Berger blogged about Vlamis Test Drive

By: Dan Vlamis
August 12, 2014

We have seen an uptick in test drives since Charlie Berger blogged about our Oracle Advanced Analytics Test Drive.  Thanks, Charlie!  We have three major test drives now:

By the way, these test drives have the full functionality of the virtual machines upon which they are built.  So if you want to experiment with SampleApp, simply spin up a test drive.  We do not limit what you do to a defined script.  Go ahead and go off-road.  Just don’t expect us to send a tow truck to get you out of a ditch!  If that happens, simply abandon the test drive and we’ll recycle the bits for use by you or someone else next time.  If you want more persistent or permanent access to a Test Drive environment let us know and we can arrange that too.


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